imToken Card 是一张信用卡,无缝连接链上数据和日常支付。你可以根据自身的链上数据,经简单的 KYC 流程,获得信用额度。授信获批后,即可用于支付,无需任何代币充值或复杂设置。你还可以通过 imToken App 随时随地轻松还款或用代币增加消费限额。
*imToken Card 是由 DCS Card Centre Pte. Ltd.(“DCS”)发行的联名卡。

imToken 即将推出一张基于链上信用发行的信用卡——imToken Card,旨在无缝连接链上数据和日常支付。现在,imToken Card 预注册已开启,诚邀你成为首批体验者,享受无需预存的信用额度和低手续费,一同开启数字旅程的崭新篇章。

7 年来 imToken 和用户共同成长,见证了数字资产领域的蓬勃发展。对于很多用户而言,imToken 不仅是第一个数字钱包,更是探索区块链世界的忠实伙伴。
现在,我们为你推出了基于链上信用体系的 imToken Card,这张卡采用 Mastercard 标准,只要商家接受 Mastercard 信用卡,即可畅享 imToken Card 的便捷支付服务。

imToken Card 可以用来做什么
1. 即时获得信用,即时消费
imToken Card 开创了新的模式,提供高达 500 SGD 的信用额度。无需繁琐的充值步骤,只需要开卡即可享受日常消费、线上购物、服务订阅等一系列便捷体验。
2. 充值提限,额度无限
拥有数字资产的用户,只需使用 imToken 充值,即可便捷支付账单或提升消费限额。搭配 imToken 和 imToken Card,让你的日常开支更加灵活,购买力更强大。
3. 首年年费减免,享受专属权益
作为卡片持有者,首年零年费,同时尊享 imToken 专属权益,其中包括 imKey 等产品的折扣。

📝 imToken Card 产品和特性常见问题
为什么 imToken 推出 imToken Card?它有什么独特之处?
答:链上数据不可篡改,值得信任。imToken 希望以此创新卡支付解决方案。这种方法简化了小额信贷的授信过程,无需复杂的资料验证,即可实现更流畅、简单的申请和支付体验。
什么是 imToken Card?它的主要特点是什么?
答:imToken Card 是一张信用卡,无缝连接链上数据和日常支付。你可以根据自身的链上数据,经简单的 KYC 流程,获得信用额度。授信获批后,即可用于支付,无需任何代币充值或复杂设置。你还可以通过 imToken App 随时随地轻松还款或用代币增加消费限额。
- imToken Card 是由 DCS Card Centre Pte. Ltd.(“DCS”)发行的联名卡。
imToken Card 是信用卡吗?我能获得多少信用额度?
答:是的,imToken Card 是万事达信用卡。基于你可用的链上数据,imToken 可提供 500 SGD 信用额度而无需收入证明。
答:每张 imToken Card 都附带一个由 DCS 提供的「D-Vault」专用账户,该账户支持多种充值方式。使用 imToken App 并绑定钱包地址,你可以将钱包中的代币充值到 D-Vault。你的 D-Vault 账户中的金额将在账单到期日自动扣除,用于支付未还款的卡账单。
我可以更改绑定到 imToken Card 的钱包地址吗?
答:可以,你可以更改绑定到 imToken Card 的钱包地址。地址格式目前只支持以太坊。未来我们将支持更多主链 / 主网。
答:你的最大消费限额取决于你的信用额度和在 D-Vault 中的余额。你可以随时通过 imToken App 充值到你的 D-Vault 账户,以增加你的消费限额。
如果在账单到期日我的 D-Vault 余额不足以支付未还款账单会怎么样?
imToken Card 有年费吗?
答:首年免年费,此后每年为 30 SGD。你可以通过 DCS Cards App 申请年费减免,是否批准取决于 DCS 审核。
答:imToken Card 为持有者提供经济实惠的费率,其中代币充值费率为 1%*。以下是 imToken Card 的部分费率和收费。其他费率和收费请参考 DCS D-Lite 卡。
- DCS 代币(DUSD)充值费率:1%
- 外汇兑换费率:2.25%(原费率 3.25% 减 1% 返利)
- 年费:30 SGD(首年免费)
- 逾期付款费:50 SGD
- ATM 取款费:5 SGD 或 1% 中的较高者
答:你可以在 imToken App 中通过内置的 Tokenlon 将 ETH、ERC-20 USDC、ERC-20 USDT 直接兑换成 DUSD 进行充值。
我可以在哪使用 imToken Card?
答:你可以在新加坡或海外任何接受万事达卡的线上商家或实体门店中使用 imToken Card。此外,你还可以将 imToken Card 和支付应用绑定,如支付宝、GrabPay 等,但需遵守各应用程序的政策和条件。
答:通常来说,付款无需手续费。但部分商家可能会对信用卡支付收取额外费用。此外,使用 imToken Card 进行非 SGD 交易,你将获得 1% 的外汇兑换费返还。
答:对新加坡用户,imToken Card 将提供实体卡。对于非新加坡邮寄地址的用户,例如新加坡游客或其他情况,如有特别请求,也可支付额外费用申请实体卡。
答:你可以在支持万事达卡的新加坡境外 ATM 提现。可提取的货币通常是 ATM 所在地的当地货币或 ATM 支持的任意货币。提款限额取决于你的可用额度。提款时将收取取款费,此外 ATM 运营商可能会对交易额外收取费用。
它可以和其他支付应用绑定吗,如 GrabPay、支付宝、微信支付、Apple pay 等?
答:imToken Card 是在新加坡发行的万事达信用卡。一般来说,它可以与各种支付应用兼容,但兼容性取决于各应用程序的政策和条件,且这些可能会随时间而变化。对于 Apple Pay 的支持预计将在 2024 年上半年。
imToken Card 有其他权益吗?
答:imToken Card 持有者将享有购买打折商品的特权,如 imKey 硬件钱包。此外,imToken App 通过 Tokenlon 提供无缝的代币充值服务,使用户能够自动享受基于 Tokenlon 经济机制的奖励。imToken 万事达卡的持有者自动享有万事达卡 Priceless Specials 特权。访问万事达卡新加坡网站了解更多信息:https://specials.priceless.com/en-sg/homepage
以上资料没有解决我的问题,其他 imToken Card 相关问题我应该找谁处理?
答:对于任何关于卡片本身的查询,如支付交易、账单、条款和个人信息等,请拨打 DCS 卡中心热线 +65 6571 0128 或通过 csd@dcscc.com 联系他们。如果你对 imToken App 有疑问,例:如何将卡片连接到 App、账单还款、代币充值等,请通过 support@token.im 联系我们。
📝 imToken Card product and features FAQ
Why does imToken offer the imToken card? Why is it unique?
A: imToken aims to innovate in card payment solutions by leveraging the 'trust' aspect of blockchain's immutable on-chain data. This approach facilitates the provision of small credit without a complex document verification process, resulting in a more seamless and simple application and payment experience.
What is imToken card? What are the key features?
A: The imToken card is a credit card that connects on-chain data and tokens to facilitate more seamless payments. You get a credit limit based on on-chain data with a simple KYC process. Upon approval, you can make payments immediately without any token top-up or complex setup. Using the imToken app, you can effortlessly repay the card bill or increase the spending limit with tokens anytime and anywhere.
- imToken Card is a cobranded card issued by DCS Card Centre Pte. Ltd.
Is this a credit card? How much credit do I get?
A: Yes, it is a Mastercard credit card. imToken offers a S$500 credit based on your available on-chain data, without the need for income verification.
How can I repay my credit card bill with tokens?
A: Each imToken card comes with a “D-Vault”, a virtual account provided by DCS, that supports multiple top-up channels. Using the imToken app and linking a wallet address, you can top-up into D-Vault with tokens from your wallet. The amount in your D-Vault account will automatically be debited to pay the outstanding card bill on the statement due date.
Can I change the wallet address that links to the imToken card?
A: Yes, you can change the wallet address linked to the imToken card. Presently, it supports Ethereum. We plan to add more popular chains in the future.
What is my spending limit? Can I increase my spending limit?
A: Your maximum spending limit is the credit and the balance you have in D-Vault. You can top up your D-Vault account at any time through the imToken app to increase your spending limit.
What happens if the amount in my D-Vault is insufficient to cover the outstanding bill on the statement due date?
A: You will be charged a late fee and also start incurring interest charge.
Is there an annual fee for the imToken Card? If so, can I request a fee waiver?
A: The first year is free, and it's S$30 annually thereafter. You can request a fee waiver via the DCS Cards app, subject to approval.
What are the token top-up fee and other fees?
A: We strive to keep our fees low and reasonable. imToken cards offer an introductory low rate of 1% token top-up fee*. Here are highlighted fees and charges for imToken Card. Other fees and charges please refer to DCS D-Lite Card.
- DCS Token (DUSD) top-up fee: 1%
- Foreign exchange conversion charge: 2.25% ( 3.25% with 1% rebate )
- Annual Fee: S$30 ( waived for first year )
- Late payment charge: S$50
- ATM withdrawal fee: higher of S$5 or 1%
Can I repay the card bill or top-up using other tokens?
A: Yes. You can use ETH, ERC-20 USDC, ERC-20 USDT to swap to DUSD for the top-up, powered by Tokenlon and made seamless within the imToken App.
Can I repay the card bill or top-up using other tokens?
A: Yes. You can use ETH, ERC-20 USDC, ERC-20 USCT to swap to DUSD for the top-up, powered by Tokenlon and made seamless within the imToken App.
Where can I use the imToken card?
A: Anywhere merchants that accept Mastercard online and at stores, in Singapore or overseas. You can also link the card to payment applications such as Alipay, GrabPay and more, subject to the policies and conditions of these applications.
Is there any fee for making payment?
A: Generally, there are no fees for making payments. Yet, certain merchants or sellers might apply special handling fees for credit card use. With the imToken Card, for non-SGD transactions, you'll receive a 1% rebate on foreign currency transaction fees.
Does it come with a physical card?
A: imToken Card comes with a physical card for the applicant with a Singapore address. Additionally, it is available for customers with a non-Singapore mailing address upon special request, subject to a fee, to accommodate Singapore visitors or other situations.
Can I withdraw cash? How much can I withdraw and in what currency?
A: Yes, you can withdraw cash from ATMs outside Singapore that support Mastercard. The currency available for withdrawal will usually be the local currency of the ATM or any currency supported by the ATM. Your withdrawal limit depends on your available limits. When you withdraw, there will be a withdrawal fee, and the ATM operator may impose an additional fee for the transaction.
Can it be linked to other payment applications such GrabPay, Alipay, WeChat Pay, Apple Pay, etc.
A: The imToken card is a Mastercard credit card issued in Singapore. Generally, it works with various payment applications, but the compatibility is subject to the policies and conditions of these applications, which may change over time. Apple Pay support is expected to be available in the first half of 2024.
Are there other benefits associated with imToken Card?
A: imToken Card holders will enjoy the privilege of purchasing merchandise at discounted prices, such as the imKey hardware wallet. Additionally, imToken app facilitates seamless token top-ups powered by Tokenlon, allowing users to automatically enjoy the same rewards based on Tokenlon’s economic mechanism. The imToken Mastercard automatically entitles holders to Mastercard Priceless Specials privileges. For more information, please visit the Mastercard Singapore website: https://specials.priceless.com/en-sg/homepage
When can I get support related to the imToken Card?
A: For any inquiries about the card itself, such as payment transactions, billing, terms, and personal information, please contact the DCS Card Centre hotline at +65 6571 0128 or email them at csd@dcscc.com. If you have questions related to the imToken App, including connecting the card to the app, bill repayment, token top-up, and general usage inquiries, please reach out to imToken customer support at support@token.im.
📝 预注册和卡片申请常见问题
谁可以申请 imToken Card?
- 新加坡公民、新加坡永久居民(美国公民除外)和外国人(美国公民除外)
- 年龄在 18 至 65 岁之间
- 未持有由 DCS(与 imToken 合作的卡片发行机构)发行的任何卡片
- 需在 imToken 进行预注册
- 未满 21 岁的申请者,需征得父母 / 监护人同意。
答:预注册是为了让 imToken 评估你的链上数据以提供初始信用额度。第一轮预注册现已关闭,我们正在准备 imToken Card 的正式发布。如果错过了预注册,你可以加入等待名单,以便参加下一轮卡片发行。
答:我们会在 imToken Card 正式推出前通过你在预注册时提供的邮箱通知你,预计通知于 2024 年 2 月发送。如果你符合条件,即可获得申领 imToken Card(由 DCS 发行)的权限。DCS 是新加坡的一家持牌信用卡发行机构。申领 imToken Card 的步骤简单,只需完成简单的 eKYC 验证(护照和人脸监测)验证且无需提供收入证明,即可在几分钟内获得批准和收到虚拟卡。
答:预注册是为了让 imToken 评估你的链上数据以提供初始信用额度。符合条件的人仍需提交必需的个人信息,以便从 DCS(卡片的发行机构)获得最终卡片批准。
卡片申请操作为什么需要在 DCS Cards App 中进行?
答:由于 DCS 是卡片的发行机构,出于数据隐私的考虑,建议在 DCS Cards App 上进行卡片申请。
申请卡片是否需要进行 KYC?我的个人信息安全吗?
答:和其他信用卡一样,申请卡片需要进行 KYC。DCS 是新加坡的一家持牌信用卡发行机构,DCS 将按信用卡行业安全标准来保护个人信息,并遵守新加坡个人数据保护法案(PDPA)。
答:申请过程很简单。由于授信依据是链上数据,因此不需要收入证明,只需使用 DCS Cards App 完成简单的 eKYC 验证(护照和人脸监测)即可。
完成 eKYC 后,批准卡片申请和收到卡片分别需要多久?
答:完成 eKYC 后,你将在几分钟内获得批准,同时会收到虚拟卡。
📝 Pre-registration and card application FAQ
Who can apply for the imToken card?
A: Eligible applicants include Singapore Citizens, Singapore Permanent Residents (excluding U.S. Citizens), and Foreigners (excluding U.S. Citizens), aged 18 to 65, who do not currently possess any cards issued by DCS, the card issuer partnered with imToken. Pre-registration at imToken is required. *For applicants aged below 21, Parent's / Guardian's consent is required.
What is pre-registration for? How long will it last?
A: As we are preparing the official launch of the imToken Card, the pre-registration is for imToken to review your on-chain data to provision the default credit. Our first round pre-registration is now closed. You can join the waitlist for the next round of card offerings.
How will I be informed of the pre-registration result?
A: You will be notified of the pre-registration results by email in February, prior to the official rollout. If you qualify, you will have exclusive access to the imToken card application process hosted by DCS, the card issuer licensed in Singapore. With a simple eKYC (passport and face verification) and no need for income documents, you should get instant approval and your virtual card within a couple minutes.
I have pre-registered and got approved already. Why do I need to apply for the card again?
A: The pre-registration is for imToken to review your on-chain data to provision the default credit. Those who qualified will still need to submit minimal personal information for the final card approval from DCS, the issuer of the card.
Why does the card application require a DCS Cards App?
A: As DCS is the issuer of the card, it is advisable to conduct card application on the DCS Cards App due to data privacy.
Is KYC required for card application? Is my personal information safe?
A: KYC is required for card application just like any other credit cards. DCS is a licensed credit card issuer in Singapore and DCS will safeguard the personal information using card industry security standards and follow the Singapore Personal Data Protection ACT (PDPA).
What documentation is required for the card application?
A: The card application process is straightforward. The credit is provisioned leveraging on-chain data, so no proof of income is required. Just complete a simple eKYC (passport and facial recognition) using the DCS Cards App.
How long does it take to get the card application approved and receive the card itself?
A: After completing the eKYC process, you will receive the application approval within a few minutes. The virtual card will also be available simultaneously.
📝 等待名单常见问题
什么时候可以申请 imToken Card?
答:为了确保更好的服务,我们定期开放 imToken Card 的申请窗口。当前轮次的预注册已关闭。你可以加入等待名单,以便参加下一轮卡片发行。
答:imToken Card 是一张信用卡,我们需要根据你的链上数据进行评估,以确定并提供初始信用额度。请放心,imToken 始终将你的隐私和安全放在首位。
📝 Waiting List FAQ
How can I apply for the imToken Card?
A: imToken card functions as a credit card. We review and offer a default limit based on your public on-chain data to provision the default credit, enhancing the payment experience by making it more seamless and flexible. Rest assured, imToken always prioritizes your privacy and security.
Why do I need to connect a wallet to join the waiting list?
A: Your registration will be reviewed and you will be notified when the next round of offering is opened.
What is the next step after joining the waiting list?
A: To ensure better services, we periodically open the application window for imToken Card. The current round of pre-registration is closed. You can join the waiting list for the next round of offerings.
- 作者:布鲁斯
- 链接:https://www.bvip.one/2024/01/23/02
- 声明:本文采用 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 许可协议,转载请注明出处。