发布于: 2024-5-22最后更新: 2024-5-23字数 00 分钟

最小、最轻的 LUMIX S 系列相机,采用时尚紧凑的设计,多种颜色可供选择
  • 出色的成像性能,配备约 24.2MP 全画幅传感器
  • 使用新的 LUMIX Lab 应用程序在 30 秒内拍摄并分享到社交媒体

Panasonic Announces New LUMIX S9 Compact Full-Frame Mirrorless Camera

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松下自豪地宣布推出 LUMIX S9,这是 LUMIX S 系列中最小、最轻的全画幅无反光镜相机。LUMIX S9 有多种颜色可供选择——深黑色、深红色、深橄榄色和古典蓝色——是旅途中内容创作者的时尚伴侣。
约24.2百万像素的全画幅CMOS传感器,相当于LUMIX S5II的传感器,以及最新的引擎,以自然的色调捕捉丰富的细节内容。此外,该相机还配备了PDAF(相位检测自动对焦)和Active I.S.,即使在手持拍摄时也能显着减少相机抖动造成的模糊,使用户无论在什么情况下都能自信地拍摄。
LUMIX S9 还允许创作者通过相机机身上新的专用“LUT”按钮,通过流行的 REAL TIME LUT 功能,在相机内轻松享受一系列流行、经典或定制的色彩风格。
此外,新的 LUMIX Lab 应用程序使创作者能够在智能手机上开发自己独特的 LUT 颜色文件。这意味着用户可以毫不费力地生成原始和可共享的静态图像和视频,而无需在计算机上进行后期制作编辑,从而扩大了创作可能性的范围。新应用程序还提高了从相机到智能手机传输数据的速度。
LUMIX S9 引入了一种新的录音格式;MP4精简版。以 4:2:0 10 位 30p/25p 拍摄 Open Gate,创作者可以以最适合智能手机的格式拍摄高质量视频,并使用 LUMIX Lab 应用程序轻松调整宽高比以适应社交媒体。借助这种新的简化编辑工作流程,内容创作者可以在旅途中轻松拍摄和分享。
松下旨在通过 LUMIX S9 为创作者提供全新的愉快拍摄体验,使从捕捉瞬间到与世界分享的旅程无缝且直观。
LUMIX S 系列中的首款紧凑型设计,将小巧轻便的机身与高图像质量相结合
  • 小巧轻便的机身,重量约为 403g/0.89 lb
  • 约 24.2 百万像素全画幅 CMOS 传感器和最新引擎提供强大的成像性能。
  • 改进了具有 PDAF(相位检测自动对焦)的实时识别 AF,可实现更精确的被摄体跟踪性能。
  • 行业领先的图像稳定技术,具有 5 轴双 I.S.2:6.5 档 / Body I.S.:5 档 和 Active I.S. 补偿边走边拍时的相机抖动。通过电子稳定(视频)功能中的透视畸变校正和高模式,现在可以在移动拍摄时获得更稳定的镜头。
  • 配备 MP4 Lite,一种新的智能手机优化的 Open Gate 视频模式
  • 自由角度后挡风玻璃,可在各个角度灵活拍摄
    全新 LUMIX Lab 应用程序,轻松连接
    • 允许将照片和视频从相机高速传输到智能手机。
    • 使用户能够轻松创建原始 LUT 文件并将其从智能手机传输到相机,让他们享受自己喜欢的色彩表达。
    • 来自流行创作者的 LUT 也可以从应用程序下载和使用
    • 快速轻松地编辑针对社交媒体共享优化的 MP4 Lite 视频文件
      REAL TIME LUT 用于更广泛的创意表达
      • 完全可定制的 LUT 颜色文件可以加载到相机中以进行创意拍摄
      • 相机机身上的专用 LUT 按钮,可直接访问 LUT 设置
      • 增加了不透明度控制和颗粒效果,进一步增强了创造力
      • 最多可同时应用 2 个 LUT 文件
      • 1 截至 2024 年 5 月 22 日,LUMIX S 系列产品线。2 使用 LUMIX LAB 应用程序将 JPEG 照片或以 MP4 (Lite) 模式拍摄的 5 秒短视频传输到 iOS 支持的智能手机所需的总时间,包括视频裁剪和发布到社交媒体所需的总时间。根据松下标准进行的研究。结果可能因网络环境而异。3 车身和鞋套。不包括车身盖。机身、鞋套、电池和SD存储卡的总重量约为486g/1.08lb。4 使用S-E70200时,基于CIPA标准[偏航/俯仰方向:对焦距离f=200mm]。5 使用S-R2060时,基于CIPA标准[偏航/俯仰方向:对焦距离f=60mm]。
      Panasonic is proud to announce the LUMIX S9, the smallest and lightest full-frame mirrorless camera in the LUMIX S Series. Available in a choice of colors – Jet Black, Crimson Red, Dark Olive, and Classical Blue – the LUMIX S9 is a stylish companion for content creators on the go.
      The approx.24.2-megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor, equivalent to that of the LUMIX S5II, and the latest engine capture content in rich detail with natural tones. In addition, the camera is equipped with PDAF (Phase Detection Auto-Focus), which provides excellent subject tracking, and Active I.S., which significantly reduces blurring from camera shake even when shooting handheld, allowing users to shoot confidently, whatever the situation.
      The LUMIX S9 also allows creators to easily enjoy a range of popular, classic or bespoke colour styles in-camera with the popular REAL TIME LUT function via a new dedicated ‘LUT’ button on the camera body.
      In addition, the new LUMIX Lab app enables creators to develop their own unique LUT color files on their smartphone. This means users can effortlessly generate original and shareable stills and videos without the need of post-production editing on a computer, expanding the scope of creative possibilities. The speed of transferring data from camera to smartphone has also been improved with the new app.
      The LUMIX S9 introduces a new recording format; MP4 Lite. Shooting Open Gate in 4:2:0 10 bit in 30p/25p, creators can capture high quality videos in the optimum format for smartphone, and easily resize aspect ratios to suit social media with the LUMIX Lab app. With this new streamlined editing workflow, content creators can easily shoot and share while on the go.
      Panasonic aims to offer a new enjoyable shooting experience to creators with the LUMIX S9, making the journey from capturing the moment to sharing with the world seamless and intuitive.
      The first compact design in the LUMIX S Series, combining a small and lightweight body with high image quality
      • Compact and lightweight body weighing approximately 403g/0.89 lb
        • 3
      • Approx. 24.2-megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor and the latest engine deliver powerful imaging performance.
      • Improved real-time recognition AF with PDAF (Phase Detection Auto-Focus) for more precise subject tracking performance.
      • Industry leading image stabilization technology with 5-axis Dual I.S.2: 6.5 stops / Body I.S.: 5 stops and Active I.S. compensate for camera shake when shooting while walking. With perspective distortion correction and High mode in the E-Stabilization (Video) function, it is now possible to achieve even more stable footage when shooting on the move.
        • 4
        • 5
      • Equipped with MP4 Lite, a new smartphone-optimized Open Gate video mode
      • Free-angle rear screen for flexible shooting at all angles
        New LUMIX Lab app for effortless connection
        • Allows high-speed transfer of photos and videos from the camera to a smartphone.
        • Enables users to easily create original LUT files and transfer them from a smartphone to the camera, allowing them to enjoy their own preferred color expressions.
        • LUTs from popular creators are also available to download and use from the app
        • Quick and easy editing of MP4 Lite video files optimized for social media sharing
          REAL TIME LUT for a wider range of creative expression
          • Fully customizable LUT color files can be loaded in-camera for creative shooting
          • Dedicated LUT button on the camera body for direct access to LUT settings
          • Added opacity control and grain effect to further enhance creativity
          • Up to 2 LUT files can be applied at the same time
          • 1 Within LUMIX S series line up, as of May 22nd, 2024.2 The total time it takes to transfer a JPEG photo or a 5-second short video shot in MP4 (Lite) mode to an iOS-supported smartphone using the LUMIX LAB app, including cropping in case of video, and posting to social media. Study conducted under Panasonic standards. Results may vary depending on network environment.3 Body and shoe cover. Excluding the body cap. The combined weight of the body, shoe cover, battery, and SD memory card is approximately 486g/1.08 lb.4 Based on the CIPA standard [Yaw/Pitch direction: focusing distance f=200mm] when S-E70200 is used.5 Based on the CIPA standard [Yaw/Pitch direction: focusing distance f=60mm] when S-R2060 is used.

          • Twikoo


          松下Panasonic Lumix S9谍照

          松下Panasonic Lumix S9谍照